We’ve had some hints of blue sky peeping through, and the first signs of swallows returning for the summer. Spring is certainly entering full swing.
This is the time to get your kit ready and prepped for some good camping (glamping) trips this season. We have learnt the (very) hard way, that preparation is KEY! A few weeks ago, we spent a painful 2-3 hours locating all our camping gear, packing bits and bobs, digging out the tent pegs from the bottom of the storage and trying not to lose our minds with the constant “when are we leeeeeaaaving”’s from the kids.
How much smoother would this have been, if we were well prepared and had all our gear properly stored and neatly packed for the next trip?! We learnt our lesson that day - the way you finish the previous trip, MASSIVELY impacts on how the next one goes 🙂
So to help you not go through what we went through, we’ve put together a bit of a list which will hopefully help you to have a slightly more organised and simpler packing experience.
1. Pack Away Well
Most tents need to be packed away bone dry so if you do return from your camping trip and need to air the tent or let it dry out, don’t leave it like this for your next adventure - put the work in, make the effort and fold it all away so this job is not left until the morning you’re off! Sounds rather obvious, but we all know how life can take over and leave these little jobs till the last minute. Make sure to clearly organise smaller bits such as pegs, mallet, air pump well, so they are easily accessible and right at the top of the kit bag.
2. Keep Your Stove Seasoned
We have a couple of blogs and videos on seasoning your stove - this is pretty much an essential part of keeping your kit looking good throughout the season anyway, but all the more important so it is ready to roll when you are. Ensure all old/cold ash has been emptied from the stove. Give it a very light/thin coating of rapeseed oil before packing it down (flue in the stove body) into its carry bag. Don’t have a carry bag? Look no further! 👇
3. Decompartmentalise Everything
Rather than having everything in a box or loose in the van/shed/storage, get a good selection of storage options and separate all your equipment/kit into labeled boxes/bags i.e. tools and tent accessories in one; cooking equipment in another; larder goods in another etc. This makes it really easy to locate what you need quickly should you be setting up at night or after a long journey.
4. A Ready Stocked Larder
A great idea for ‘emergency’ meals to keep you going for 24 hours. It means you don’t waste time having to divert to a supermarket on the way to your camp ground or will see you through a few meals if you arrive super late and not have the chance to stock up. The following are good options and should cover you for a few meals: canned soup; long life milk; cereal; tortillas/pitta bread; pasta; pesto in a jar; salt/pepper/oil; packs of flavored rice and grains; cans of fish/veg/meat; herbs; biscuits; coffee/tea/sugar. Remember to replenish shortly after each trip.
5. Double Up On Kitchen Equipment
Rather than using equipment from your kitchen at home, get together an exclusive kit for camping. You’ll save time on packing before each trip - plus there’s less chance you’ll forget something essential i.e. coffee pot. Just make sure you wash it all and return it to its storage box when you get home.
6. Carry Spares
This can relate to so many things, but first and foremost - fuel for cooking; batteries for torches; tent pegs and guy ropes. These few things are essential to any trip and not having them can throw your plans totally akilter.
We’re hoping our suggestions will help make your camping experience super enjoyable and that much easier - after all, camping should be fun and as relaxed as possible. Similarly, if your vibe is to hang out at home and light the stove on the deck, then this is also an awesome way to take it easy over the long weekend. Sending tons of Anevay Love!