Try our Frontier Plus-top recipe for a suuuuper quick & easy mid-week supper. Of course, add a little chilled white wine or your beverage of choice to the proceedings...
Warm asparagus, poached egg and Parmesan salad with pan-fried new potatoes and chorizo sausages.
Olive oil
4 medium eggs
Hollandaise sauce (we cheated and bought it ready-made!)
Mixed leaves
Parmesan shavings
New Potatoes
Chorizo Sausages
Griddle or fry asparagus on your Frontier Plus stove. To get added heat, remove the top plate and allow the fire to get roasting those spears! Poach the eggs (we used a poacher but easily done in a pot of boiling water, dropping each egg carefully in).
Once eggs are done to your liking and asparagus is cooked, put your salad together and finish with a dollop of hollandaise & Parmesan shavings. Meanwhile, parboil your new potatoes and add these to your frying chorizo sausages, allowing the spicy aroma of the sausage sizzling to float in the air.
Add the new potatoes and chorizo to your salad dish and serve up.
Finish with a sprinkling of fresh basil.
For an easy veggie option replace chorizo with broad beans and fried halloumi - YUM!